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Frequently Asked Questions

  • How is a laser prodecure different from surgery?
    Surgery invloves considerable preparation, general anesthesia, pain in the affected areas, and a lengthy recovery period. The medical laser technology used in VenaCure eliminates all of that. First, it is minimally invasive meaning the entry point through which your physician gets the laser fibre to the target area is extremely small, not even requiring stiches. Second, there is no recovery to speak of. In fact, you'll be up and walking immediately once the procedure is over, able to return to full normal activity. Third, the infection risk is extremely low and fourth, it involves minimal discomfort.
  • Exactly how does a laser treat varicose veins?
    VenaCure fixes this problem at the source by delievering just the right wavelength of laser energy to just the right tissue, causing the incompetent vein to collapse while your body automatically routes the blood to other healthy veins.
  • I've heard about lasers being used in medicine but I'm not sure how they work. Are they safe?
    Simply put, a laser is highly concentrated beam of light. Medical lasers work by delivering this light energy to the targeted tissue with extreme percision so as to not affect the surrounding tissue. They have proven their safety and effectiveness through the years of use in all kinds of medical procedures, from eye surgery to dermatology. In the hands of a skilled physician, lasers offer far less risk and complications than conventional surgery.
  • What is the actual procedure like?
    It takes about 45 minutes right in your physician's office and no general anesthesia is required, just a local anesthesia. Your physician then inserts a thin laser fibre into the the vein through a sheath and the laser light is emitted through the fibre. While you might feel some unfamiliar sensation, it is not painful.
  • How long before I see results?
    There may be some slight swelling right after the procedure, but you could start seeing results right away.
  • Will these results last?
    In clinical trials, laser treatment has proven to be 97% effective - an outstanding record of success. Therefore, you should experience no recurrence in the veins that have been treated. Follow-up procedures may be desired to obtain optimal aesthetic results.
  • Don't I need my superficial vein(s)?
    Venous reflux (faulty vavles) in the greater saphenous or other superficial veins actually interferes with the normal venous return of blood. Closing or removing these areas improves venous circulation as blood is diverted to normal veins with functional valves. The resulting improvment in venous circulation significantly relieves the symptoms and improves appearance.
  • What if I need veins for heart bypass surgery?
    The veins which are destroyed are unsuitable for bypass surgery becuase of their enlarged size and varicosity. These are arteries on the inside of the chest which are best for bypass grafting. There are also vessels in the forearms which are suitable.


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